Sunday, December 23, 2012

Is it wrong to be happy?

Is it wrong to be happy? I've been telling myself this a lot lately, and quite frankly, I hope the answer is no. Why do I find this so great yet so... unrealistic? Yes, I have my good days and bad days. But the last few months, all good, for the most part. (Okay every time I walk into Mrs. Schilf's classroom I want to puke, but what's 45 minutes?) I have some of the most amazing friends, family, and so much to be thankful for. I recently had a Christmas party with some of my best friends and I realized then that I had, had a drama-free semester of school. (For the most part.) I absolutely hate drama. I don't feel that I'm putting friends who create drama "in the garbage", I just think that I've been less "drama-prone". I don't believe in having one best friend. I think it makes all your other friends feel kind of left out. I have lots of girl best friends and one really great guy best friend. It's an amazing deal, and I've been blessed from the big guy! I was recently put on a new softball team, and don't get me wrong, I'm going to miss my old team so much! I was just ready to advance. Being a catcher, I don't really want to "compete" for my playing time. My family is doing well. My brother will leave in about 4 days to go to Florida with the Marching Lynx. He was also excepted to the University of Oklahoma on 12/12/12. :) Day in history. My sister and her family were here for the weekend. Her husband and two kids, Lane and Kyia. We had so  much fun! Lane got a new Nerf gun from Uncle Spencer for Christmas and we had a few violent Nerf wars. (Is that even possible?) I think Kyia likes me just a little bit. ;) I have also been running as usual. Wednesday I became a member of the 200 mile club. With my mom asking me that morning, "Didn't I just buy you your 100 mile sweatshirt?". The miles add up pretty quickly. With Christmas break already, here and one semester of middle school left, brought semester tests. I still don't know my semester one Algebra grade. :( I'm hoping I did good enough to stay in the class. haha. Christmas Eve is just 24 hours away and I'm gonna be honest, I'm not so much into the whole "present thing" this year. Of course I like gifts and all, who doesn't, I think I've just realized the true meaning of Christmas. If you must know what I want for Christmas, here it goes. Garmin watch, OU yoga pants, a new bible, and a punch card to legends. An Under Armour sweatshirt would be nice too. :P (My sister also got me a Scheel's gift card! Who doesn't love Scheel's? I found myself receiving a lot of gift cards, from relatives  this year as I have no idea what sizes I am anymore. I consider that a good thing. :) I also would like to start a journal with my personal thoughts in it. Like a keepsake of 2013 kind of. I have a feeling it's going to be a great year! My brother and dad and I also had to do some shopping for Mama Bear today. Procrastination at its finest. That's the Smith way!

Agenda for tomorrow consists of:
Getting new glasses :)
Giving puppies a much needed bath
Baking Jesus a birthday cake
Eating :)
Opening presents

First weekday of Christmas break! :)
As you may see I am very scatter brained, but once again, I am happy. I just cannot wait until I can see my friends again! :)

Enjoy your holiday!!
P.S. I am in the process of trying to add videos to my blogs. We'll see how that turns out. If it does, however, maybe I can show you what I received for Christmas. :)

My social networking sites:
Instagram: SoonerSmitty17
Twitter: SoonerSmitty17

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Late night...thoughts?

How do you tell if someone likes you? Because I'm confused... Hahaha just a thought. :) maybe if I knew for sure... Oh never mind... Some other time :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Tag 1!

Told you i would find a cool tag to make my blog more interesting!

1. Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie? Elf, Santa Clause 1,2,3, Christmas with the Kranks... I love Christmas :)
2. What Are Your Favorite Christmas Colors? Red, green, silver, gold
3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas? PJ'S!!!!!
4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be? My friends :)
5. Do You Open Your Presents Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning? Christmas Eve
6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House? Yep!
7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas break? Read (I know shocking), bake, eat, watch football, not learn...
8. Any Christmas Wishes? Have a white Christmas
9. Favorite Christmas Smell? The smell of outside, Christmas cookies
10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat? Peanut Butter blossoms! Grandmas finest!
11. (BONUS!) What new holiday treat do you want to try? (To eat or bake and eat)
I have pictures for this one!! These look adorable and delicious!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

This post is boring. :)

The middle school play went amazing! (Pictures below!) and school has had me sucked up these past few weeks. It seems like its test after packet after packet after test! stressful! I love attending my local FCA group and they are more like my family now. :) Nothin really else has gone on. Oklahoma made it to the Cotton Bowl, which isn't the National Championship, but it will do ;) oh and blake bell is very sexy... lol I all my basketball teams have started and the Victorias Secret fashion show is tonight. I think I'll go watch. Hopefully soon I'll have a tag or something I can do to make my blog interesting... :)) haha

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Saturday, December 1, 2012


It is true, I haven't posted since Thanksgiving! I will try my best to get something done in the next couple days!