Monday, November 12, 2012


Seems like its been forever!!! Wow! I've had so much stuff lately! Anyway, I've had about 5 tests and 2 races in the last couple of weeks! October 27th was my 4th 5k race. The Trick or Treat Trail Run. It was my personal best 5k, and I placed decently. I ran it in 30 minutes and 46 seconds. I placed 184 overall, 16 in age division, and 3rd in my age group. It being the same day as the Big 12 championships for cross country, I definitely had some extra motivation! The women placed 9th and the men placed 3rd! On Halloween, I went and helped with an event called "Trunk or Treat" at a local church. It's a safer way for littler kids to get candy on Halloween. The next day I had an American Revolution test.. 190 points! Holy moley!! I found out I only got 8 wrong!! Making my grade stay at a solid A. Anyway, November 3, was my 5th 5k and it was the one my mom organized! Haha! It was a benefit for Give Kids the World Village in Florida! I ran that one in 31:37, second best. I placed 11th overall, and since I placed overall I don't know what my age place was. Silly me! I also got a medal! :) Last week was just as crazy, tests, quizzes, homework, you know, the usual! The same day as my last race, our football team played their last game before they made it to the State Championship! They won! On Saturday, (Nov. 10) we headed down to the dome to play our rivals. We lost but it was a well fought battle! So proud of our lynx! Down below are some pictures of the day. I had some very good news come on Friday night, but I can't yet tell you what it is. :/ I will as soon as I can! I have to be at school at 7 am all week this week so I'm very thankful we didn't have scho today! Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all who serve(d)!! I have a feeling this week is going to be just as hectic as any other as I am at school at 7 and don't go home until 5, due to play practice. I really want a break but I'm me and that would just not be me! :) I can't wait for basketball season to start either! On Saturday, my family and I are putting on a benefit for our friends sister who has cancer. Should be pretty fun! Saturday is also the National Championship for Cross Country and the Oklahoma Men's XC team qualified as well as Jessica Engel from the women's team! Good luck to all of them and bring something gold back to Norman! Still more OU football and basketball to come, as well as OKC Thunder basketball, Sioux Falls Skyforce basketball. (Our towns d-league team.) and Brandon Valley boys and girls basketball. I am also managing for the boys basketball team at my school. Should be a fun winter full of basketball!! Haha! Time for me to catch some zzzzzz's!

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Also, for fitness and lifestyle junkies like myself, follow Ben Does Life and Undressed Skeleton for motivation and recipes!! :)

P.S. The Ben from Ben Does Life is the guy in the video I raved about in another post! :)

1- me and our school's quarterback, Chase
2- my big brother getting in the spirit of things before the game!
3- me and my "best friend" (it's an on going joke) he's a linemen for BV
4- my friends and I on the way to the game!

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