Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I know I always say that I'm going to blog the next day and never do it, I just hope I can blog sometime this week! More info on my last 5k, next 5k and how much my butt hurts soon!! Hahahaha!! :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

One more thing..

One more thing before my crazy week starts-
I DID make the 100 mile club last Thursday!! Just thought you may want to know that it did actually happen.

It's going to be a crazy week!!

It's official. I'm obsessed with running. Lol I am signed up for two 5ks, one week after another...:) yaya!!! Yesterday, I started my "get ready for the next 5k" training. And it's going to be a crazy crazy week because of it. Gym class starts tomorrow, which is gonna suck. And industrial tech also starts tomorrow with the worst teacher in school (even better)! At least in gym we get to run!! 5k training continues. On Tuesday I think jazz band starts, but I'm not positive, which means I have to be at the school at 6:50, how fun! (Sarcasm implied!) oh and not to mention play practice also starts tomorrow! :/ same things on Tuesday, play practice, 5k training, gym, etc. and make time for some homework in there as well... Wednesday is going to be awesome. If I think tomorrow or Tuesday is crazy I can't wait until Wednesday!! Lol Bible study in the morning, gym, play practice, workout for training, church, confirmation. Did I mention I have to do homework and eat in between all that!? Thursday, things may calm down a bit. 5k training and play practice is about it... Last day of the week, my favorite! FRIDAY! Friday night is FCA, and its my first "huddle meeting" and I cannot wait!! Of course, theres still play practice and training to worry about... Saturday of course is my race!! I have an amazing feeling about this one!! 27 in my age group as of today. Wow! However, I shaved 9 minutes of my last time today in training...so pumped!! OU also plays on Saturday and College Game day is in Norman. Morning: do something I love--run. Afternoon: do something I love--watch my sooners!! Love you all, have a great week! P.s. I apologize I I don't post this week, as you can see, I'm a tad busy!;)

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New thoughts, new dreams, and making milestones...

I know, I know. I didn't post yesterday. I still haven't charged my computer. Lol I've been so busy with homework and such, I wish teachers would make lesson plans with each other to make us have homework like once a week. Stupid. Especially Wednesdays!!! It ticks my mom and me off that I always have homework on Wednesdays! I respect Wednesdays just like Sundays! I go to FCA Bible study and church and confirmation, all on Wednesday! And I used to hate Wednesdays now, I love them! It's just one more day I can praise my king! I would also like to ask for a prayer request for our new pastor we have at our church and him getting used to Brandon and getting to know people. I have also come to the conclusion that I have written too many paragraphs for Mrs. Schilf. It's ridiculous!! The cast list for the middle school play came put today... 3 consecutive years. It's true, I will never see the middle school play be just plain "performed". I guess you could call that a milestone. A second milestone, that I haven't hit yet, but will, on Thursday if everything goes as planned, is logging 100 miles on Nike +. I am so pumped! I would like to take a second and thank everyone. It's been a journey, but I think it's finally going to happen. With this my interests and dreams have also changed. I will admit, at one point, I wanted to be on broadway! Not anymore! Acting is more of a hobby for me now, than a lifestyle. My new dream is to play softball at OU and run cross country, or at least keep running, through college. Another dream of mine is to run a half marathon. I am going to hopefully take this and run with it (see what I did there!?;)) next summer. Yup, I will be running in the Sioux Falls Half, next summer! Again, so pumped! But for now, I'll just stick to 5k's. which reminds me I need to go sign up for my next race! October 27!! See you there! Have an amazing rest of the week!!

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Milestones can happen, and dreams do come true! Because with God, all things are possible!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

I am no good at this...

I'm sorry it's been so long, once again! I will post tomorrow night as my laptop is charging at the moment and I don't want to use data on my phone. Have a nice sleep! <3


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fields of Faith!

Being an FCA "attendee", I got my mom to take my entire confirmation class to Fields of Faith tonight. Hearing the testimonies of some people, and scriptures from the Bible was inspiring! I would LOVE to be able to teach young kids about Christ one day! Looking back on the past week, I have had a pretty dang good week! Monday, no school. What else needs to be explained?! haha! Tuesday, went my friends volleyball game! :) (They won!) Wednesday, bible study and Fields of Faith! (Not to mention a "secret" trip to Cherry Berry with my driver for confirmation!) Ok, so I had a science test today, but if that is the hardest I have to do all week, I will have a pretty easy week!  I also had my MS play audition today, so I'm pretty anxious for the cast list to be posted. Tomorrow, Of course, I have school, but I'm going to my friends last cross country meet and another friends football game. :) (I cannot wait!) Friday, I have school once again, however, after school I will  hopefully be hanging out with one of my best friends, accompanied by pizza and a movie. I feel that I have been super lazy with my running this week, but my next 5k  is October 27th, so I need to get goin again! I also am about to hit the 100 mile-mark on Nike+ (just 15 miles away!) and get into the 100 club! I am super excited! I have also made a commitment to run the Sioux Falls Half next summer as well!! Pretty exciting week for this girl!

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Set your goals high, and don't stop until you get there. ~@Team_Athlete on Twitter

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Haven't posted in a couple of days... School is back in session after a 4 day weekend. Test tomorrow and some pretty important stuff due Friday. Including an audition tomorrow...:/ I am going to FCA Fields of Faith tomorrow night, so I'm hoping I will have a minute to post what I thought about that! :) Talk to you lovelies later!

You're one in a million!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Great comeback, great finish!

(I wrote this yesterday, but didnt get a chance to post it until today!) Wow, never actually thought I'd say this, but, we finished in 3rd. Looking back at our team from day 1, you would never think that! It was an awesome and cold day. After getting to the field at 9 am, and doing warm-ups for an hour, we were finally ready to start our first game. Tensions were high as we knew, if we lost, we were done. For the season. Not wanting that to happen, we stomped team number one, 15-3. (Runs 1,2, and 3 were partly my fault as catcher...) Going into the next game, we really didn't have our heads "in" the game, but our spirits were. My mom got everybody pumped up when we were losing 4-0. (We have a habit of bringing our heads down and giving up the minute we are behind.) However, with mama's help, we got loud. Very. Coming back and winning 8-4. It wasnt until the director of the tournament came out with metals for the other team did we realize that we would be playing for 3rd or possibly a spot at the championship. Going into game 3, we were getting tired but not letting up in inning 1. We stayed pretty loud. We have had a habit to always have a bad inning. In games one and two, we really didn't have that issue. Game 3...yeah, couple bad innings. We were still hitting pretty good, with some decent defense. Not knowing the final score, we ended up with 3rd. Still, amazing to me, as going into the state tournament we had 1 win and 8 losses...Yeah, you read that right. So proud of my team and the way we played today! Yeah, I know, yesterday I was complaining, but I didn't know today was going to go so well!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's flipping cold outside.

I sat in the cold (42 degrees and 20 mph winds) for about 6 hours today. I think I am still thawing. Tomorrow is game day, and it's sad to say, but I'm  little glad it is almost over. With a game once a week and never knowing a for-sure practice schedule or who is going to "call the shots" at the games, I just dont know what to do anymore. I have to compete for my position on my team even though I am clearly better than the other girl...I just need my summer ball team to make a decision. They are debating on wether or not to go competitive or stay rec. Long story short, some of us are ready for competitive, while others still need some serious work. I shouldn't have to be worrying about if I am going to be able to play my favorite sport next summer. Anyway, tomorrow is game day and it is suppose to be 59 degrees outside. At 5 o'clock. I cant imagine what the temprature is suppose to be at 9 am. My friend and I will be wearing neon pink socks tomorrow in honor of breast cancer awareness month at our game. (Getting the whole team to wear something pink is apparrently to much to ask, as I only got 4 replies to wear pink.) I really need a good, long nights sleep. Friday helped, but I need some more before I go back to school on Tuesday. Last night didn't help at all as I had a bad dream, waking up in a sweat. It was so vivid, yet I don't know what it was about!! I wonder what causes bad dreams...GOOGLE! haha:) In between the parade and the field competition for band today, we needed to eat, and go some place warm. We went to Chili's for lunch and also went to Barnes and Noble to pick up "Wooden" by John Wooden and Steve Jamison. It tells about the lessons and experiences the UCLA basketball coach (Wooden) taut his players and children. Great book already and I'm only on page two! Maybe I'll do a book review...:) I didn't get chance to run today due to the fact that I sat in the cold way too long, and we were always on the go. My P.E. teacher showed be the video "My 120 pound journey" on YouTube. It's about a guy named Ben that used to be obese and depressed. Used to. You will have to watch the video to get the "full effect". This guy has run 7 marathons, 2 Ironmans, 10 or so 10K's and 50 or more 5K's. That my friend is inspiration! As a result of watching this video, I now want to run farther, and faster. So, on Monday, I am going to make it my goal to run 5 miles. I now, not very much, but that's me. I can't run fast, nor very far, but I like running. It's cheaper than therapy! :) My personal distance goal is 4.02 miles, and I am only about 25 miles away from the 100 mile club! (100 total miles on Nike+) I am pumped! And the farther I run per day, the faster I can get there! It's now 10:30 and I have to be up at 7:30...time for beddy by! :)

Watch My 120 pound journey:
type my 120 pound journey in the search bar
click the video by delvis401
prepare to be amazed

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Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall, Hot Chocolate, and Football Players!

Running in cold weather is alot more fun than ya think! Ran 2.15 miles today. I was bundled up in my hat and new running gloves, Under Armour, and running tights. I was a little chilly, but when I got home I was a little upset with myself! I felt that it was too easy. I found, yet, another 5k to do, and I plan on owning it! While I was running I was thinking how much I love fall. The sounds of crunchng leaves beneath my running shoes, bonfires, pretty fair tempratures...What other season can offer all this?! My grandparents are in town, and I haven't missed a home football game yet. We decided to bundle up, and face the cold for the Lynx. It was well worth it, winning 49-0. During the game I asked myself, "What is better than a good lookin football player in his football pants?!" By the end of the game, I came to a conclusion...nothing! haha! Though it will never happen, my secret wish is to date a football player when I'm older. :) Nothing to hide here! My mom claims I am addicted to football. I will admit, I do love me some football. Especially Oklahoma Football! "My Boys" (The Oklahoma football team) play Texas Tech tomorrow. I can't watch, due to my brother's band competition. That's what Twitter is for! When I got home from the game, I found HOT CHOCOLATE ON A STICK, in my cupboard. Had to try it! It was so good!! I truely love fall, and every aspect along with it. 

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"Train insane or remain the same!"

P.S. Gonna try this new quote thing! Gonna put a quote on every blog post! Send me quotes on here or Twitter!:)

Have an insane weekend! :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Awkward, and me rambling...:P

This is quite possibly the best show ever... Jenna even has a blog! Haha! My friend and I called ourselves marathoners tonight as we say and watched season 2 of Awkward. It really is a great show. Lots of talk about...yeah... But still, good show. Hahahaha!! Rest of my plans for the weekend? No school tomorrow (Friday) and I plan to sleep until... The latest time I can. I swear, I'm sleep deprived! Saturday is Spencer's (my brother) last Festival of Bands in Sioux Falls. He's a senior snare player for our high school marching band. Even though we fight, I do look up to him. He's a great brother. Sunday is probably my last fall ball game(s). Softball and running are really my only two sports. I wouldn't even consider running a sport, I just kind of do it for fun. More on that later. I feel like my softball team is falling apart and I really don't know what to do. Now that I'm rambling, I better go, I really need some sleep.

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And/or morning, whatever you prefer.


I am a 14 year old, living in what I think is the coldest state ever! 8th grader and musician, singer, actress, and runner. I love my friends and family, but the number one person in my life is the big guy upstairs! Jeremiah 29:11 and Philippians 4:13 are my top bible verses!! Sometimes, we all need to vent, and/or tell someone about how awesome our day was... Here's where my... Our, journey starts!