Sunday, October 21, 2012

It's going to be a crazy week!!

It's official. I'm obsessed with running. Lol I am signed up for two 5ks, one week after another...:) yaya!!! Yesterday, I started my "get ready for the next 5k" training. And it's going to be a crazy crazy week because of it. Gym class starts tomorrow, which is gonna suck. And industrial tech also starts tomorrow with the worst teacher in school (even better)! At least in gym we get to run!! 5k training continues. On Tuesday I think jazz band starts, but I'm not positive, which means I have to be at the school at 6:50, how fun! (Sarcasm implied!) oh and not to mention play practice also starts tomorrow! :/ same things on Tuesday, play practice, 5k training, gym, etc. and make time for some homework in there as well... Wednesday is going to be awesome. If I think tomorrow or Tuesday is crazy I can't wait until Wednesday!! Lol Bible study in the morning, gym, play practice, workout for training, church, confirmation. Did I mention I have to do homework and eat in between all that!? Thursday, things may calm down a bit. 5k training and play practice is about it... Last day of the week, my favorite! FRIDAY! Friday night is FCA, and its my first "huddle meeting" and I cannot wait!! Of course, theres still play practice and training to worry about... Saturday of course is my race!! I have an amazing feeling about this one!! 27 in my age group as of today. Wow! However, I shaved 9 minutes of my last time today in pumped!! OU also plays on Saturday and College Game day is in Norman. Morning: do something I love--run. Afternoon: do something I love--watch my sooners!! Love you all, have a great week! P.s. I apologize I I don't post this week, as you can see, I'm a tad busy!;)

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