Saturday, February 2, 2013

Update on...Life?

Hey girl, Hey... hahahaha

I've had so much going on the last month, I totally forgot to keep blogging! WOW! I have had lots of fun managing the boys basketball team at BVMS and we still have a few games left! I'm just chillin in my room now. This morning, I put the first run of 2013 in the books. Nothing real good came out of it...haha. It was 20 degrees at the start and it wasn't too bad. The route was suppose to be so the wind was at our was the opposite. My legs were also the color of a watermelon when we were done. I got 13th out of 14 in my age divison...yeah not my best race! haha I'm ok with it though, because I set a goal of 40ish minutes and I finished in 40:27. Goal made! This race was also a 4 mile not just a 5k (3.1 miles). So, farther than ever before. :) Our friend also got 2nd place overall and third place in his age! He is a very good runner...obviously. I am going to the Skyforce Military night tonight, and am looking foward to a day off tomorrow. (Well not really, I have softball practice.) But, I am having some friends over for the super bowl. Right now, I am going to take a nice hot shower and do some homework!


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