Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall, Hot Chocolate, and Football Players!

Running in cold weather is alot more fun than ya think! Ran 2.15 miles today. I was bundled up in my hat and new running gloves, Under Armour, and running tights. I was a little chilly, but when I got home I was a little upset with myself! I felt that it was too easy. I found, yet, another 5k to do, and I plan on owning it! While I was running I was thinking how much I love fall. The sounds of crunchng leaves beneath my running shoes, bonfires, pretty fair tempratures...What other season can offer all this?! My grandparents are in town, and I haven't missed a home football game yet. We decided to bundle up, and face the cold for the Lynx. It was well worth it, winning 49-0. During the game I asked myself, "What is better than a good lookin football player in his football pants?!" By the end of the game, I came to a conclusion...nothing! haha! Though it will never happen, my secret wish is to date a football player when I'm older. :) Nothing to hide here! My mom claims I am addicted to football. I will admit, I do love me some football. Especially Oklahoma Football! "My Boys" (The Oklahoma football team) play Texas Tech tomorrow. I can't watch, due to my brother's band competition. That's what Twitter is for! When I got home from the game, I found HOT CHOCOLATE ON A STICK, in my cupboard. Had to try it! It was so good!! I truely love fall, and every aspect along with it. 

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"Train insane or remain the same!"

P.S. Gonna try this new quote thing! Gonna put a quote on every blog post! Send me quotes on here or Twitter!:)

Have an insane weekend! :)

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