Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's flipping cold outside.

I sat in the cold (42 degrees and 20 mph winds) for about 6 hours today. I think I am still thawing. Tomorrow is game day, and it's sad to say, but I'm  little glad it is almost over. With a game once a week and never knowing a for-sure practice schedule or who is going to "call the shots" at the games, I just dont know what to do anymore. I have to compete for my position on my team even though I am clearly better than the other girl...I just need my summer ball team to make a decision. They are debating on wether or not to go competitive or stay rec. Long story short, some of us are ready for competitive, while others still need some serious work. I shouldn't have to be worrying about if I am going to be able to play my favorite sport next summer. Anyway, tomorrow is game day and it is suppose to be 59 degrees outside. At 5 o'clock. I cant imagine what the temprature is suppose to be at 9 am. My friend and I will be wearing neon pink socks tomorrow in honor of breast cancer awareness month at our game. (Getting the whole team to wear something pink is apparrently to much to ask, as I only got 4 replies to wear pink.) I really need a good, long nights sleep. Friday helped, but I need some more before I go back to school on Tuesday. Last night didn't help at all as I had a bad dream, waking up in a sweat. It was so vivid, yet I don't know what it was about!! I wonder what causes bad dreams...GOOGLE! haha:) In between the parade and the field competition for band today, we needed to eat, and go some place warm. We went to Chili's for lunch and also went to Barnes and Noble to pick up "Wooden" by John Wooden and Steve Jamison. It tells about the lessons and experiences the UCLA basketball coach (Wooden) taut his players and children. Great book already and I'm only on page two! Maybe I'll do a book review...:) I didn't get chance to run today due to the fact that I sat in the cold way too long, and we were always on the go. My P.E. teacher showed be the video "My 120 pound journey" on YouTube. It's about a guy named Ben that used to be obese and depressed. Used to. You will have to watch the video to get the "full effect". This guy has run 7 marathons, 2 Ironmans, 10 or so 10K's and 50 or more 5K's. That my friend is inspiration! As a result of watching this video, I now want to run farther, and faster. So, on Monday, I am going to make it my goal to run 5 miles. I now, not very much, but that's me. I can't run fast, nor very far, but I like running. It's cheaper than therapy! :) My personal distance goal is 4.02 miles, and I am only about 25 miles away from the 100 mile club! (100 total miles on Nike+) I am pumped! And the farther I run per day, the faster I can get there! It's now 10:30 and I have to be up at 7:30...time for beddy by! :)

Watch My 120 pound journey:
type my 120 pound journey in the search bar
click the video by delvis401
prepare to be amazed

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