Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fields of Faith!

Being an FCA "attendee", I got my mom to take my entire confirmation class to Fields of Faith tonight. Hearing the testimonies of some people, and scriptures from the Bible was inspiring! I would LOVE to be able to teach young kids about Christ one day! Looking back on the past week, I have had a pretty dang good week! Monday, no school. What else needs to be explained?! haha! Tuesday, went my friends volleyball game! :) (They won!) Wednesday, bible study and Fields of Faith! (Not to mention a "secret" trip to Cherry Berry with my driver for confirmation!) Ok, so I had a science test today, but if that is the hardest I have to do all week, I will have a pretty easy week!  I also had my MS play audition today, so I'm pretty anxious for the cast list to be posted. Tomorrow, Of course, I have school, but I'm going to my friends last cross country meet and another friends football game. :) (I cannot wait!) Friday, I have school once again, however, after school I will  hopefully be hanging out with one of my best friends, accompanied by pizza and a movie. I feel that I have been super lazy with my running this week, but my next 5k  is October 27th, so I need to get goin again! I also am about to hit the 100 mile-mark on Nike+ (just 15 miles away!) and get into the 100 club! I am super excited! I have also made a commitment to run the Sioux Falls Half next summer as well!! Pretty exciting week for this girl!

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Set your goals high, and don't stop until you get there. ~@Team_Athlete on Twitter

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