Monday, October 8, 2012

Great comeback, great finish!

(I wrote this yesterday, but didnt get a chance to post it until today!) Wow, never actually thought I'd say this, but, we finished in 3rd. Looking back at our team from day 1, you would never think that! It was an awesome and cold day. After getting to the field at 9 am, and doing warm-ups for an hour, we were finally ready to start our first game. Tensions were high as we knew, if we lost, we were done. For the season. Not wanting that to happen, we stomped team number one, 15-3. (Runs 1,2, and 3 were partly my fault as catcher...) Going into the next game, we really didn't have our heads "in" the game, but our spirits were. My mom got everybody pumped up when we were losing 4-0. (We have a habit of bringing our heads down and giving up the minute we are behind.) However, with mama's help, we got loud. Very. Coming back and winning 8-4. It wasnt until the director of the tournament came out with metals for the other team did we realize that we would be playing for 3rd or possibly a spot at the championship. Going into game 3, we were getting tired but not letting up in inning 1. We stayed pretty loud. We have had a habit to always have a bad inning. In games one and two, we really didn't have that issue. Game 3...yeah, couple bad innings. We were still hitting pretty good, with some decent defense. Not knowing the final score, we ended up with 3rd. Still, amazing to me, as going into the state tournament we had 1 win and 8 losses...Yeah, you read that right. So proud of my team and the way we played today! Yeah, I know, yesterday I was complaining, but I didn't know today was going to go so well!

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